Friday, July 29, 2011

About Billy Beatbox

'Willem Carolus Christopherson Tamnge "also known as' Billy beatbox'. Billy is a beatboxer who was born in Jayapura, Papua, on April 28, 1981. 

Billy knew music only by self-taught, no formal musical education obtained. 
Knowledge of music is only gained from the experience of singing in the Choir, Vocal Group and Group A Capella in the Church. 
In 2005, Billy began to recognize the Beatbox from one of the finalists of American Idol, which named Blake Lewis. But only in 2006, through the online video site (YouTube) Billy really new to learn and explore the art of imitation sounds.

After learning beatbox at the beginning of September 2006, a year later, starting in September 2007, Billy often show up as a participant in a TV talent show and became a guest star on several TV talkshow.